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MapShot is a new form of social media based on a map interface opposed to the usual timeline scrolling interface.  


MapShot is targeted toward frequent travelers and influencers that perk other's interest by their ever changing life. The social media generations, millennials and gen z, are also prime target users for MapShot to see where their friends are around the world and become inspired to travel. MapShot has four basic screens: Home Feed which consists of the world map and your friend's (users you follow) pins, the Explore Page which would show suggested pins around the world as well as a search bar to search specific places or people, your Profile with a map of your pins, and lastly the Bucket List screen that keeps track of locations you 'bucket' based on pin

location you like. 

UI Design & Implementation - Group Project: Lead Product Designer


The team created a HTML web application off the XD prototype above. The project scope only contained enough time to plan, create and test a web application, with future plans to further implement MapShot into a mobile app.

Below consists of the mobile prototype.

Changes and improvements were made to the prototype from user testing and the

team heuristic analysis.


Software Interface Usability Analysis on MapShot

The link below contains the full usability test of the app:


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